GH OptiCast Series

5:00 am
6:00 am
2:00 pm
- June 8- Buffalo -


Parking Restriction(25): 12 tournament trucks with trailers may park at the north public access, one roadside along ct Rd 35W, and 7 additional tournament trucks with trailers may park at the east public access site.

5:00 am
6:00 am
2:00 pm
- June 22 - Clearwater-
Public Boat Access Bayberry Rd
1762-1792 Bayberry Rd South Haven, MN
Public Boat Access Bayberry Rd​
Public Boat Access Bayberry Rd


Parking Restriction(30):
15 Trucks and trailers will launch and park at Blackpool access. 6 Trucks and trailers will park roadside along Bayberry Road and lunch from black pool access. 9 Trucks and trailers will park and launch from Bob's Bay public access.

5:00 am
6:00 am
2:00 pm
-July 13 - Maple Lake -
Upper Maple HWY 55 Launch
4550 53rd St NW, Maple Lake, MN 55358
Upper Maple HWY 55 Launch
Upper Maple HWY 55 Launch


Parking Restriction: 23 Trucks and Trailers will park roadside along 53rd St. NW or Along Hwy 55. Two Trucks and trailers will park at the Maple Lake West Boat Landing.

5:00 am
6:00 am
2:00 pm
- July 27 - Waconia -
Lake Waconia Regional Park
8170 Paradise Ln, Waconia, MN 55387
Lake Waconia Regional Park
Lake Waconia Regional Park


Parking Restriction: 17 Trucks and Trailers will park and launch from the Lake Waconia Regional Park. The remaining 8 trucks and trailers will park and launch from the east public access.

6:00 am
7:00 am
3:00 pm
- August 10 - Minnewaska -
Starbuck Public Access
401 E 1st St, Starbuck, MN 56381
Starbuck Public Access
Water's Edge Bar and Grill


Parking Restriction: 10 Trucks and Trailers will park and launch from the North Public Access the remaining 15 Trucks and Trailers will park and launch from the South West Public Access In Starbuck.