GH OptiCast Series
5:00 am
6:00 am
2:00 pm
- June 11- Buffalo -
Parking Restriction: 12 tournament trucks with trailers may park at the north public access, one roadside along ct Rd 35W, and 7 additional tournament trucks with trailers may park at the east public access site.
5:00 am
6:00 am
2:00 pm
- June 25 - Washington/Stella-
Washington South Public Ramp
68808-68898 215th St, Darwin, MN 55324
Washington South Public Ramp
Washington South Public Ramp
Parking Restriction:
We will plan for 19 to park their trucks and trailers from the Washington Lake south Public Access. We will plan for 5 to park their trucks and trailers from the Washington Lake East Public Access.
One truck/trailer will park along the road side of 690th Ave. Prior to the event each team will be emailed with their specific parking instructions.
5:00 am
6:00 am
2:00 pm
-July 16 - Minnetonka -
North Arm Public Boat Access
North Arm Public Boat Access
North Arm Public Boat Access
Parking Restriction: 21 Tournament Boats and Trailers allowed to park at North Arm Public Access. Others may choose any available ramp and boat to North Arm Ramp.
5:00 am
6:00 am
2:00 pm
- July 30 - TeTonka -
TeTonka Boat Ramp (south side)
TeTonka Boat Ramp (south side)
TeTonka Boat Ramp (south side)
Parking Restriction: 25 Trucks and Trailers will attend the event. 5 Trucks and Trailers will park at the Water Tower Access. 5 Trucks and Trailers will park at the Upper Sakata Access. 10 Trucks and Trailers will park at the Tetonka public access and the remaining 5 trucks and trailers will park along the road on 500th Lane.
5:00 am
6:00 am
2:00 pm
- August 13 - Waconia -
Lake Waconia Regional Park
8170 Paradise Ln, Waconia, MN 55387
Lake Waconia Regional Park
Lake Waconia Regional Park
Parking Restriction: 17 Trucks and Trailers will park and launch from the Lake Waconia Regional Park. The remaining 8 trucks and trailers will park and launch from the east public access.